California Claims Handling Requirements: A Guide

Man in California reviewing a claim for submission

Man in California reviewing a claim for submission

The insurance industry is complex, even for insiders; and if you’re a policyholder, it can feel bewildering to navigate the complex laws, regulations, and policies that surround insurance. The good news is that there are resources to help, and some states have strong regulations put in place to protect consumers from unfair or discriminatory practices.

California in particular has robust regulations in place to protect consumers, including the Fair Claims Settlement Practices Regulations. Read on for more details about these Regulations and how they can help protect you from unfair settlement practices.

What Are the 40 Days Fair Claims Settlement Practices Regulations in California?

The Regulations lay out a set of minimum standards for settling insurance claims in a fair, timely, and cost-efficient manner. 1 The 40 days guideline is a requirement that the insurance company accept or reject your claim within 40 days of receiving your proof of claim. 2 If the company needs more time to investigate, they must notify you and explain why, in writing, before those 40 days are up. They must continue to keep you informed if the investigation takes more than 40 days as well: Insurance companies are required to provide policyholders with written updates about their claim status at least every 30 days until a decision is reached. 3

What Deadlines Are In The California Fair Claims Settlement Act?

The Regulations contain deadlines meant to ensure that consumers and insurance companies are able to resolve claims on insurance as promptly as possible.