Real-life Applications of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)

You may have heard that DSA is primarily used in the field of computer science. Although DSA is most commonly used in the computing field, its application is not restricted to it. The concept of DSA can also be found in everyday life. Here we’ll address the common concept of DSA that we use in our day-to-day lives.

Application of DataStructure

Application of Algorithm

Application of Data Structure:

A data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a computer so that it can be used effectively. The real-life applications of all the data structures are discussed below.

Application of Arrays :

Arrays are the simplest data structures that store items of the same data type. A basic application of Arrays can be storing data in tabular format. For example, if we wish to store the contacts on our phone, then the software will simply place all our contacts in an array.

Some other applications of the arrays are:

Application of Strings:

Application of Matrix:

Matrix is an ordered collection of columns and rows of elements. It is necessary to enclose the elements of a matrix within the brackets.

Some applications of a matrix are:

Application of Linked Lists :

A linked list is a sequence data structure, which connects elements, called nodes, through links.

Some other applications of the linked list are:

Application of Stack :

A stack is a data structure that uses LIFO order .

Some Applications of a stack are:

Application of Queue :

A queue is a data structure that uses FIFO order .

Some applications of a queue are:

Application of Priority Queue:

Application of Graph :

Graph is a data structure where data is stored in a collection of interconnected vertices (nodes) and edges (paths).

Some applications of a graph are:

Application of Tree :

Trees are hierarchical structures having a single root node.

Some applications of the trees are:

Application of Binary Search Tree:

Application of RED-BLACK Tree

Application of AVL Tree

Application of SUFFIX Tree

Application of TRIE

Application of Hash Tables :

Hash Tables are store data in key-value pairs. It only stores data that has a key associated with it. Inserting and Searching operations are easily manageable while using Hash Tables.

Some applications of a hashtable are:

Application of Heap :

A Heap is a special case of a binary tree where the parent nodes are compared to their children with their values and are arranged accordingly.

Some applications of heaps are:

Application of Algorithms:

Algorithms are well-defined sets of instructions designed that are used to solve problems or perform a task. To explain in simpler terms, it is a set of operations performed in a step-by-step manner to execute a task. The real-life applications of algorithms are discussed below.

Application of Sorting Algorithms

Application of Greedy Algorithms:

Application of Dijkstra Algorithm

Application of PRIM’S and KRUSKAL’S Algorithm

Application of Dynamic Programming Algorithms:

Application of Backtracking Algorithms: