
Offset is an obligation required from foreign entities that sign supply contracts with the government of Kuwait, such that they would have to fulfill such obligation through implementing offset projects, which achieve the objectives of Kuwait Offset Program. Offset is required on defense contracts whose values are equal to or greater than KD3 million; in addition to civil contracts, whose values are equal to or greater than KD10 million. The offset obligation value is equivalent to 35% of the monetary value of the contract, signed with the foreign entity, with the potential of deducting the monetary value of any of the following from civil contracts:

Offset Program Objectives:

The Offset Program seeks to achieve three primary objectives, namely:

In addition to achieving the above mentioned primary objectives the Offset Program takes into account when approving offset projects proposals, the extent to which they meet the following criteria:

Types of Offset Projects:
Offset Multiplier System and Granting of Offset Credits Corresponding to Participation in Offset Projects:

The offset multiplier system is intended to incentivize offset obligors to implement projects that achieve the primary objectives of the Offset Program, such that the value of the offset multiplier that is granted to offset projects is based on the nature of the projects (direct or indirect), in addition to the extent to which these projects contribute towards achieving the three primary objectives of the program. Based on the offset program multiplier system offset obligors could be granted a multiplier reaching a value of 5.5, and accordingly these entities will be granted the equivalent of 5.5 the value of their contributions into offset projects, in the form of “offset credits” which would be deducted from the value of their offset obligation.

To Review the Guidelines for Kuwait Offset Program No. (9)-2007, view this link.

Council of Ministers decisions regarding the Offset Program (2014-2017)

Sectors of projects proposed for implementation through outstanding offset obligations, as specified by Council of Ministers decision no. 400:
Offset Projects Implementation and Follow-up Procedures, as specified by Council of Ministers Decision No. 400

In line with the directives of the Council of Ministers Decision No. 1212 taken during its meeting No. (39/2015), which was convened on the August 24, 2015 Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority (KDIPA) has cooperated with the various Kuwait government and private sector entities with the aim of assessing and developing a number of government and private sector projects that could be implemented by utilizing the pending offset obligations.

As a result of KDIPA’s cooperation with the various government and private entities a number of government and private sector projects were identified. These were considered to be highly important in securing the achievement of Kuwait’s economic and social development objectives. The list of identified projects was presented to the Council of Ministers, to determine which of these projects should be given highest priority.

During its meeting No. 12/2017 held on 20/3/2017 the Council of Ministers adopted Decision No. 400, which Identified the list of projects, that could be implemented by offset obligors, and the various options by which offset obligors could fulfill their pending offset obligations.

Available Options for Fulfilling Pending Offset Obligations:

A. Cash contributions

In accordance with this option the offset obligor transfers the cash value equivalent to the offset program obligation, to an account which shall be specifically assigned to finance the list of projects, that are adopted by the Council of Ministers, such that the offset obligor shall be considered to have fulfilled its offset obligation once it presents a statement confirming its deposit of the required cash in the specified account.

KDIPA and the Ministry of Finance shall take the necessary measures to open the specified special account, such that the cash money that is transferred to this account shall remain specifically reserved for financing the implementation of the list of projects adopted by the Council of Ministers.

The following Guidelines and Procedures shall be adopted, in connection to this Option:

B. Direct implementation

In line with this option the offset obligor chooses one or more of the projects that are mentioned in the list of projects adopted by the Council of Ministers and gives its commitment to directly implement it, in line with the Terms of Reference (TOR), as prepared by the entity for which the project will be implemented.

The following Guidelines and Procedures shall be adopted, in connection to this Option:

C. Choosing a Third Party

In line with this option, the offset obligor undertakes to fulfil its offset obligation through signing an agreement with a third party to implement, on its behalf, one or more of the list of adopted projects, provided it secures the approval of KDIPA and the entity for which the project will be implemented.

The following Guidelines and Procedures shall be adopted, in connection to this Option:

Specified Multiplier for Companies that Choose to Implement its Offset Obligation by Adopting Any of the Three Options:

Companies that choose to implement their offset obligations through adopting either of the above mentioned three options shall receive an offset multiplier of

Confirmation of Offset Obligors Rights to Propose and implement Offset Projects Other than project in the Proposed List:

Offset obligors maintain the right to propose and implement their own offset projects; however, these projects would have to be approved by KDIPA, taking into account the economic development objectives of Kuwait, and the priorities of its economic development plan. These projects would have to be implemented in line with the Offset Program Guidelines No. (9)-2007 and the directives issued by KDIPA.