The 6-Step Plan to
Grow Your Small Business

On-Demand Courses for Business Owners
and Certification for Business Coaches

Trying to Grow a Small Business is Overwhelming

If you don't have a plan.

Revenue stalls or (worse) dips

You waste time chasing ideas that don’t move the needle

You guess instead of following a process

And that leads to sleepless nights and feeling constantly overwhelmed. We don’t want that for you. Business Made Simple has given thousands of business owners a plan for growing revenue. Our plan will work for you too.

Learn and Install a 6-Step Plan to Grow Your Small Business


Business on a Mission

Leadership — The Cockpit

Learn how to transform your Mission Statement into a set of Guiding Principles that will motivate you and your whole team.


StoryBrand Messaging Framework

Marketing — The Right Engine

Learn how to eliminate confusion from your messaging so customers finally listen and buy.


The Customer is the Hero

Sales — The Left Engine

Learn how to create a million-dollar sales pitch using the power of story to close more sales.


Product Optimization Made Simple

Products — The Wings

Looking to increase revenue and profit? The money is hidden in your product offering. Optimize your products for more revenue.


Management and Productivity Made Simple

Overhead & Operations — The Body

Is everybody on your team wearing too many hats? Organize your workflow and stop chaos in its tracks.


Small Business Cash Flow Made Simple

Cash Flow — The Fuel Tanks

You know how to make money but are you good at managing it so it works for you? Organize your small-business finances by using five checking accounts.

Your Plan for Growing Your Business

Join Business Made Simple

For just $275/year, you get access to all our on-demand courses, member-exclusive webinars, and our community of small business owners and coaches.

Get a Plan

Our on-demand courses and Member-Exclusive Webinars give you a plan you can easily implement to optimize the six key areas of your business.

Watch Your Business Grow

With a plan that’s proven to work for growing any small business, you’ll be amazed at how your confidence skyrockets and that feeling of overwhelm subsides.

How will Business Made Simple’s courses help you learn the six steps of growing a business? Watch now to learn about each course in the platform.

Our monthly revenue grew by 40% just by implementing the frameworks from Business Made Simple courses.

Guy Chachkes, CEO Reelarc Studios

I’ve spent thousands on other business courses and haven’t fully completed any of them. There’s way too much information. I’m excited to finish each BMS course because you’ve made learning simple. Thanks for serving so much value at such a sweet price.

Michelle Griffin

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

I’m only halfway through the Marketing Made Simple course, and already seeing results from tweaks we’ve made in our marketing efforts. Just by changing the way we walk on Instagram, we’ve tripled our quality leads from that platform in less than two months!

Gina Fiorito

Just signed up couple of weeks ago. I mean seriously, this is one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my life. Donald’s courses are my new Netflix. I binge watch every day. If you’re not on the business made simple course I feel sorry for you.

Carrie McDonnell

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Connect with Small Business Owners Everywhere in the Business Made Simple Community

Connect with and learn from other small business owners from all over the world who are going through the same challenges you are in the Business Made Simple community. Ask questions in the community forum to get help and advice from other members and our Business Made Simple Certified Coaches. Any question you have, you can bring to the Business Made Simple community and get practical advice from your peers.

Most Small-Business Owners Don’t Have a Plan They Feel Confident In

As a small business owner, you have to be everything to everyone. You’re supposed to be a strong leader, a savvy marketer AND a stellar salesperson. Oh don’t forget to check on cash flow, by the way. Also should you release a new product? It’s exhausting to think about.

Business Made Simple exists to eliminate “business owner overwhelm” by giving you a simple plan you can follow to optimize your business for revenue and profit. We want to be the trusted partner you can count on when it comes to growing your small business. That’s why our six frameworks are easy to implement, proven to work, and only focus on the parts of your business that you need to focus on.

When you join Business Made Simple, you’ll dive right in to learning the six steps to developing your business airplane. You’ll quickly learn which parts are working well and which parts are holding your business back.

From there, you’ll have a customized plan to help you learn and implement the frameworks that will take your business to the next level. Imagine how good it will feel to be confident in your plan for sales, marketing, leadership, cash flow, products, and overhead.

No more guessing. No more overwhelm. Just a whole lot of confidence in your plan to grow your business.