CV-X Training Videos
Specify a pattern to detect presence or use to adjust the location of other required tools on a moving part.
PatternTrax/Outline Pattern Tool
Specify a pattern (outline) to detect presence or use to adjust the location of other required tools on a moving part.
Total Stain & Each Stain
Stable inspection used for finding defects, stains, or scratches or for detecting presence and counting.
Characterization / Contrast with Background Tool
Detect/count clusters of pixels that are lighter or darker than the average background.
Blob / Cluster Tool
Count, sort, or find the locations of multiple Items.
Edge Processing & Common Settings
How an edge is detected and the settings common to all edge based tools.
Edge Position Tool
Find the location of an edge for position reference or for use in a measurement calculation.
Edge to Circumference Tool
Find an angle by locating a radial edge along a curved surface using a ring or arc region.
Edge Slope / Edge Angle
Find an angle detecting an edge on two separate surfaces.
Edge Width Tool
Detect two edges within the tool and determine the distance between them.
Edge Pitch Tool
Measure the center pitch or gap pitch across a set of edges.
Trend Edge Tool Overview & Common Settings
Locate positions along the profile of surfaces in the Trend Edge tools and their common settings.
Trend Edge Position Tool
Profile a surface along a circle, arc, or ring to detect the min/max position or to specify a location.
Trend Edge Width Tool
Measure the width along an entire part or find the diameter of the part along the entire circumference.
Trend Edge Stain Tool
Find defects along the edge of a line, circle or oval, and complex shapes and free curves.
1D and 2D Code Reading Tools
Detect 1 and 2 dimensional codes with the option to output the read text and perform judgments with the built-in calendar.
OCR/Characters Tool
Extract character information in the inspection region and recognize the character string.
Dimensions and Geometry
Dimensional measurement by simply choosing points, lines, or shapes.
Find average or range grayscale values to determine presence or to determine a reference for lighting intensity.